

Technology is a transformative force for business – keep pace or stagnate. But technology also opens  doors to criminals, with the endpoint a prime target. So you need to be smarter than the cyber criminals  that have got you in their sites, deploying rigorous and reliable solutions to protect what your business  values most. 


Increased pressure from attacks 

Now cybercriminal tools are so  inexpensive, we’re seeing a dramatic  growth in security events and risk.  Ransomware, financial spyware,  phishing and other threats can hit  your organization with severe losses –  particularly if you’re in the throes of  digital transformation. 

A heterogeneous infrastructure to protect 

The proliferation of remote working,  cloud services and agile processes all  security strategy needs to cover the  full range of your endpoint devices,  including laptops, workstations, servers  and mobiles – including personal  devices used for work. You need to  be thinking, too, about all the various  operating systems you’re supporting. 

High levels of complexity  to contend with 

A complex IT infrastructure, and the  necessary expertise to support and  protect it, all come at a cost. You  need to invest effectively in the right  solutions to meet your changing  corporate security requirements –  in terms of time, budget, staffing  and specific skills. 


Agile adaptive security 
You need to be able to: 
• Fully protect your data, employees  and infrastructure, without impacting  on performance.  
• Rely on the latest and most reliable  threat intelligence to spot and  counter new and emerging threats  heading your way. 
• Recognize threat behavior patterns,  so even unknown threats can be  neutralized.  
• Reduce your attack surface by  controlling what applications,  

A single solution for any platform 
You’ll be looking for : 
• The best possible security for every  workstation, server and mobile device  that carries your data – wherever it  sits and whether or not you own it.  Think about threat entry-points, too,  and how to protect web and email  gateways without making more work  for yours team. 
• The reassurance that you can cover  every OS in your mixed environment -  including Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS  and Android – with a single solution,  working from a single console.  

Flexible management and task automation 
And you’ll want to maximize your  resources with : 
• High levels of automation –  particularly for essential but  routine tasks like patching and OS  deployment. Your team’s time and  expertise is too valuable to waste. 
• Remote management capabilities –  whether setting up workstations in  home offices, or securing data with  encryption options. 
• Centralization. No dodging between  consoles - you need straightforward,  integrated single-screen management,  at your perimeter or in the cloud.

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